Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome to Storage, Decluttering & getting the mess out of your house!

With the US economy as slow moving as it is, people are holding on to items more instead of just getting rid of them and purchasing new items when needed.  This holding of items has a negative effect on our lives. CLUTTER!

Clutter is a confusing disorderly collection or state.  We are running out of room in our houses, garages and basements. The more we keep the worse this clutter gets.  For someone of us, this causes undo stress on our lives and love ones.

Just look at the tv programs that are out there TLC's Hoarding: Buried Alive or AE's Hoarders, people are going crazy over stuff, junk, items. they need a way to get organized and decluttered

I will try to give you some ideas on what to do with your stuff and how to organize and de-clutter your home, garage, or basement to make life a little easier.

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