Monday, August 8, 2011

Things heard when installing an Arrow Shed

There are many things heard when installing an Arrow Shed. Some of them are not repeatable. This is a family blog.  Arrow Sheds are not the quickest or the easiest metal sheds to construct. However with a little bit of time and some help from friends and family, your install will go off without a hitch.  There seems to be some miss  conceptions about the speed and ease of the install process. 

Yes it's a DIY project but in this case DIY means no need to hire a contractor to install the unit. YOU do need help to construct your shed. Go get some friends or family, the more the merrier This isn't a project you want to go about doing by yourself

OMG! it took me almost 31 hours to finish this metal shed ! This could be a true or false statement. There are many factors that contribute to the length of time it takes to construct your shed. Your skill as a handyman, the size of the shed and how much help you have will contribute to the time. 

There are so many screws,  Yes there are. This is a metal shed and what holds metal together besides screws? use a power drill instead of just a screw driver, you don't want Popeye arms, DO YOU?

The holes don't line up!!!  98% of the time that the holes don't line up it is because either the shed is not square or it is not level. Yes in the manufacturing process sometimes there are errors, but before you start to curse Arrow Sheds please make sure you are plum, leveled and square. Then jump on the horn to tell us we made a manufacturing error.

Arrow sheds are a DIYers weekend project. They usually don't go up in 1 day and you will need help to construct the shed. However, once done you will be getting an attractive cost effective storage solution that will last for years and years to com.

If you need help with your install or have questions before you install please contact customer service. Remember to read the instruction and follow them so your installation will go as smooth as possible and your blood pressure does onto get you seeing red

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How many times have you said?

How many times have you said, "holy crap I really need to clean up my garage".  We have so much stuff piled into our garages these days that we can't get to what we need without moving or stepping on something. With the economy at a snails pace we are keeping more and more stuff. Plus it seems we are ll crazy busy and never get around to actually going through and organizing our stuff.

So what I suggest to all of us that have muttered the words "holy crap I need to clean up my garage" is to take the time to actually do that and clean up your garage.  Once you get started, where are you going to put all that extra stuff. Maybe a storage unit, but then that means you have to pack up the car and get it over there. When you need something you have to jump in the car drive over there and haul whatever it is you need back to your house. Plus don't forget that monthly bill for rent.  How about a durable low cost solution to hits into almost any space?

Arrow Sheds offer everyone more storage square footage with a cost effective price. With over 70 different models Arrow has a solution for all your storage needs.  A durable, good looking low cost shed that anyone can install into their back yard.  Plus its made in the USA!

Now you have no excuse,  go out and move all your stuff from your garage to that new steel storage shed

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Arrow vinyl coated steel sheds

Arrow vinyl coated steel sheds offer the best protection against the elements. I've had one for 11 years & it looks great--- no fading or scratches.

Welcome to Storage, Decluttering & getting the mess out of your house!

With the US economy as slow moving as it is, people are holding on to items more instead of just getting rid of them and purchasing new items when needed.  This holding of items has a negative effect on our lives. CLUTTER!

Clutter is a confusing disorderly collection or state.  We are running out of room in our houses, garages and basements. The more we keep the worse this clutter gets.  For someone of us, this causes undo stress on our lives and love ones.

Just look at the tv programs that are out there TLC's Hoarding: Buried Alive or AE's Hoarders, people are going crazy over stuff, junk, items. they need a way to get organized and decluttered

I will try to give you some ideas on what to do with your stuff and how to organize and de-clutter your home, garage, or basement to make life a little easier.