Friday, October 21, 2011

Clean that Garage and keep it clean!!

Every time you open the garage door, you swear to yourself you are going to clean it out and organize the place. But you have never done it, why not? Don't know where to start? IS it to overwhelming, or you just don't know what to do?  Try some of these tips see if they can get you started
  1. Pick a long weekend, this can be a long process Make sure the weather will bbe nice
  2. Call either a charity pick up for stuff you don't want for one of those junk removal places, to make an appointment for pick up of the unwanted but still usable equipment
  3. Get some contractor grade trash bags. You are going to have a lot of stuff that is going to be thrown away. The garage seems like a catch all for almost anything
  4. Start at the garage, take everything that you want and put it in a pile outside, then start a pile for the stuff you don't want but it is still good (this pile is for charity or the haul away company), and of course put the trash in the trash bags.
  5. Move in an orderly manner through your garage start on one side and move around to the other.
  6. The process will be long and hard but its worth it when its complete
  7. Once the floor is cleaned move on to the shelves, repeating the same process of making piles.
  8. Now that you have your garage cleared out, its time to put everything back
  9. PUT IT BACK OH NO how are you going to keep it cleaned? Instead of having everythign just thrown on shelves and on the ground get yourself some steel garage cabinets.
  10. 1st put your cabinets in the garage, then place items which are used the most often on the shelves inside the cabinets at eye level, then move down the cabinet putting the least used items on the bottom of your cabinets or on the very top.

I know it sounds like a lot of work and it is but

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